

GRE 时间:2023-11-29






先读文章后做题,阅读速度一定要快,勇敢的省略,记住:看题时间要比看文时间长,一般推荐使用两遍法,第一遍通读,重点看文章的结构、focus、作者态度,第二遍在解题时定位阅读。同时,解任何题目时都要回到原文中定位,严格把握文字对应法,每个正确答案都必须找到依据,绝对不可凭记忆或知识背景做题。特别注意的是,不要精读,不必了解文章的意思,速度一定要快,一定要作笔记,时间不够看首段和各段首句。然后,每天都积累几个GRE句子,总之阅读的关键就是:“速度 定位 改写”。


1. 把握GRE阅读题中文章的句子主干


2. 在做GRE阅读题时要做好标记



3. 反复做GRE阅读题


4. GRE阅读题中段首段尾要把握好



1. 保持好奇心


2. 记录新概念/事件/人物









(c) 先叙述别人的观点, 最后才是作者的评价(结论)。


(a)若有多种解决方案, 注意新老解决方案的区别。







As of the late 1980’s, neither theorists nor large-scale computer climate models could accurately predict whether cloud systems would help or hurt a warming globe. Some studies suggested that a four percent increase in stratocumulus clouds over the ocean could compensate for a doubling in atmospheric carbon dioxide, preventing a potentially disastrous planetwide temperature increase. On the other hand, an increase in cirrus clouds could increase global warming.

That clouds represented the weakest element in climate models was illustrated by a study of fourteen such models. Comparing climate forecasts for a world with double the current amount of carbon dioxide, researchers found that the models agreed quite well if clouds were not included. But when clouds were incorporated, a wide range of forecasts was produced. With such discrepancies plaguing the models, scientists could not easily predict how quickly the world’s climate would change, nor could they tell which regions would face dustier droughts or deadlier monsoons.

15.1. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) confirming a theory

(B) supporting a statement

(C) presenting new information

(D) predicting future discoveries

(E) reconciling discrepant findings

15.2. It can be inferred that one reason the fourteen models described in the passage failed to agree was that

(A) they failed to incorporate the most up-to-date information about the effect of clouds on climate

(B) they were based on faulty information about factors other than clouds that affect climate

(C) they were based on different assumptions about the overall effects of clouds on climate

(D) their originators disagreed about the kinds of forecasts the models should provide

(E) their originators disagreed about the factors other than clouds that should be included in the models

15.3. It can be inferred that the primary purpose of the models included in the study discussed in the second paragraph of the passage was to

(A) predict future changes in the world’s climate

(B) predict the effects of cloud systems on the world’s climate

(C) find a way to prevent a disastrous planetwide temperature increase

(D) assess the percentage of the Earth’s surface covered by cloud systems

(E) estimate by how much the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere will increase

15.4. The information in the passage suggests that scientists would have to answer which of the following questions in order to predict the effect of clouds on the warming of the globe?

(A) What kinds of cloud systems will form over the Earth?

(B) How can cloud systems be encouraged to form over the ocean?

(C) What are the causes of the projected planetwide temperature increase?

(D) What proportion of cloud systems are currently composed of cirrus of clouds?

(E) What proportion of the clouds in the atmosphere form over land masses?





上述问题利用找原文这个思维就太狭隘了,因为支持条件、结论和推理过程都是对原文观点的支持,这点思维大家要建立起来。用一个例子给大家分析巩固下这个思维,具体题目和文章就不引述了,考生可以看看N0.6第二套section 1的长文章,讲的浮游植物和浮游动物之间关系。






The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of the grasslands was due in great measure to the interaction between two ecologically synchronized groups of these animals, the hunting carnivores and the herbivores that they hunted. The interaction resulting from the differences between predator and prey led to a general improvement in brain functions; however, certain components of intelligence were improved far more than others.

The kind of intelligence favored by the interplay of increasingly smarter catchers and increasingly keener escapers is defined by attention—that aspect of mind carrying consciousness forward from one moment to the next. It ranges from a passive, free-floating awareness to a highly focused, active fixation. The range through these states is mediated by the arousal system, a network of tracts converging from sensory systems to integrating centers in the brain stem. From the more relaxed to the more vigorous levels, sensitivity to novelty is increased. The organism is more awake, more vigilant; this increased vigilance results in the apprehension of ever more subtle signals as the organism becomes more sensitive to its surroundings. The processes of arousal and concentration give attention its direction. Arousal is at first general, with a flooding of impulses in the brain stem; then gradually the activation is channeled. Thus begins concentration, the holding of consistent images. One meaning of intelligence is the way in which these images and other alertly searched information are used in the context of previous experience. Consciousness links past attention to the present and permits the integration of details with perceived ends and purposes.

The elements of intelligence and consciousness come together marvelously to produce different styles in predator and prey. Herbivores and carnivores develop different kinds of attention related to escaping or chasing. Although in both kinds of animal, arousal stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands, the effect in herbivores is primarily fear, whereas in carnivores the effect is primarily aggression. For both, arousal attunes the animal to what is ahead. Perhaps it does not experience forethought as we know it, but the animal does experience something like it. The predator is searchingly aggressive, innerdirected, tuned by the nervous system and the adrenal hormones, but aware in a sense closer to human consciousness than, say, a hungry lizard’s instinctive snap at a passing beetle. Using past events as a framework, the large mammal predator is working out a relationship between movement and food, sensitive to possibilities in cold trails and distant sounds—and yesterday’s unforgotten lessons. The herbivore prey is of a different mind. Its mood of wariness rather than searching and its attitude of general expectancy instead of anticipating are silk-thin veils of tranquility over an explosive endocrine system.

17. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) disproving the view that herbivores are less intelligent than carnivores

(B) describing a relationship between animals’ intelligence and their ecological roles

(C) establishing a direct link between early large mammals and their modern counterparts

(D) analyzing the ecological basis for the dominance of some carnivores over other carnivores(B)

(E) demonstrating the importance of hormones in mental activity

18. The author refers to a hungry lizard (line 55) primarily in order to

(A) demonstrate the similarity between the hunting methods of mammals and those of nonmammals

(B) broaden the application of his argument by including an insectivore as an example

(C) make a distinction between higher and lower levels of consciousness

(D) provide an additional illustration of the brutality characteristic of predators(C)

(E) offer an objection to suggestions that all animals lack consciousness

19. It can be inferred from the passage that in animals less intelligent than the mammals discussed in the passage

(A) past experience is less helpful in ensuring survival

(B) attention is more highly focused

(C) muscular coordination is less highly developed

(D) there is less need for competition among species(A)

(E) environment is more important in establishing the proper ratio of prey to predator

20. The sensitivity described in lines 56-61 is most clearly an example of

(A) “free-floating awareness” (lines 16-17)

(B) “flooding of impulses in the brain stem” (lines 29-30)

(C) “the holding of consistent images” (lines 31-32)

(D) “integration of details with perceived ends and purposes” (lines 37-38)(D)

(E) “silk-thin veils of tranquility” (line 64)

21. The author’s attitude toward the mammals discussed in the passage is best described as

(A) superior and condescending

(B) lighthearted and jocular

(C) apologetic and conciliatory

(D) wistful and tender(E)

(E) respectful and admiring

22. The author provides information that would answer which of the following questions?

I. Why is an aroused herbivore usually fearful?

II. What are some of the degrees of attention in large mammals?

III. What occurs when the stimulus that causes arousal of a mammal is removed?

(A) I only

(B) III only

(C) I and II only

(D) II and III only(C)

(E) I, II and III

23. According to the passage, improvement in brain function among early large mammals resulted primarily from which of the following?

(A) Interplay of predator and prey

(B) Persistence of free-floating awareness in animals of the grasslands

(C) Gradual dominance of warm-blooded mammals over cold-blooded reptiles

(D) Interaction of early large mammals with less intelligent species(A)

(E) Improvement of the capacity for memory among herbivores and carnivores

24. According to the passage, as the process of arousal in an organism continues, all of the following may occur EXCEPT:

(A) the production of adrenaline

(B) the production of norepinephrine

(C) a heightening of sensitivity to stimuli

(D) an increase in selectivity with respect to stimuli(E)

(E) an expansion of the range of states mediated by the brain stem

Tocqueville, apparently, was wrong. Jacksonian America was not a fluid, egalitarian society where individual wealth and poverty were ephemeral conditions. At least so argues E. Pessen in his iconoclastic study of the very rich in the United States between 1825 and 1850.

Pessen does present a quantity of (a quantity of: 一些) examples, together with some refreshingly intelligible statistics, to establish the existence of an inordinately wealthy class. Though active in commerce or the professions, most of the wealthy were not self-made, but had inherited family fortunes. In no sense mercurial, these great fortunes survived the financial panics that destroyed lesser ones. Indeed, in several cities the wealthiest one percent constantly increased its share until by 1850 it owned half of the community’s wealth. Although these observations are true, Pessen overestimates their importance by concluding from them that the undoubted progress toward inequality in the late eighteenth century continued in the Jacksonian period and that the United States was a class-ridden, plutocratic society even before industrialization.

25. According to the passage, Pessen indicates that all of the following were true of the very wealthy in the United States between 1825 and 1850 EXCEPT:

(A) They formed a distinct upper class.

(B) Many of them were able to increase their holdings.

(C) Some of them worked as professionals or in business.

(D) Most of them accumulated their own fortunes.(D)

(E) Many of them retained their wealth in spite of financial upheavals.

26. The author’s attitude toward Pessen’s presentation of statistics can be best described as

(A) disapproving

(B) shocked

(C) suspicious

(D) amused(E)

(E) laudatory

27. Which of the following best states the author’s main point?

(A) Pessen’s study has overturned the previously established view of the social and economic structure of early nineteenth-century America.

(B) Tocqueville’s analysis of the United States in the Jacksonian era remains the definitive account of this period.

(C) Pessen’s study is valuable primarily because it shows the continuity of the social system in the United States throughout the nineteenth century.

(D) The social patterns and political power of the extremely wealthy in the United States between 1825 and 1850 are well documented.(E)

(E) Pessen challenges a view of the social and economic system in the United States from 1825 to 1850, but he draws conclusions that are incorrect.




所谓律师思维方式(think like a lawyer),其实主要是指律师在法庭上的常用语言技巧。看过一些法庭对峙辩论美剧或者电影场景的同学都知道,律师在法庭上是很少会做出一些比较绝对的发言的,更多情况下都会选择一些模糊委婉或者模棱两可留下一定余地的表达方式。而这种表达方式,其实在GRE阅读选项中也是比较常见的。就如同常有说的绝对性的表述往往是错误的,GRE阅读中正确选项常是同样具备律师思维方式的选项。假如考生能够掌握这种思维方式,那么在进行选项排除时就能很好地提升效率找到正确答案。



The passage implies that:

(A) the Monteverde area may be home to toad or frog species that have not yet been noted by researchers

(B) the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve was not large enough to protect the golden toad

(C) only Costa Rican amphibians living near Monteverde have disappeared since the 1980s

(D) if amphibians did not have permeable skin, then they could not act as biological harbingers

(E) more than one third of the world’s amphibian species have become extinct


选项A,大家首先可以看到may be这个词,这个词就是很有律师思维的词汇,代表可能性,并非绝对的推论,这样的选项是正确选项的可能性很高,先保留下来。

选项B,这个选项没有任何婉转余地,就是直愣愣地帅出了一个结论,这样的选项如果能找到对应原文还好,但大部分情况下是错误选项的概率很高。如果按照律师思维来讲,表述成may not have been large enough或者its small size was likely a factor才是比较常见的表达方式。所以这个选项有很大几率是错误选项。


选项D,双重否定等于肯定,而且本身还只是个假设,小编原样造个句子大家体会一下,If I didn’t teach the GRE, I could not have written articles.这种话绝对不可能从一名合格的律师嘴里说出来,太不留余地了,大家请记住一点,绝对性的假设基本不可能是正确选项。

选项E,这个选项和选项B类似,也是一个毫无掩饰直接给出的结论,而且带着数据还显得特别详细。那么错误原因也就相当明显了,按照律师思维比较合理的表述应该是perhaps as much as one third或者some scientists theorize that it could be more than a third这样的表达。






“坐在椅子上的姑娘”翻译成英文是“a girl sitting on the chair”,我们将“sitting on thechair”称为现在分词结构,修饰前面的“a girl”。在英文中,不可能出现“a sitting on the chair girl”这样的表达。此外,“一个对政治感兴趣的男孩”翻译成英文就是“a boy interested in politics”,我们将“interested inpolitics”称为过去分词结构,修饰前面的“a boy”。



1. The1950s saw a growing number of women 1[engaged in farm labor].


(1)分词结构倒装。engaged in farm labor过去分词修饰women。



2. Sleep stabilizes declarative memories from future interference 1[caused by mental activity 2[during wakefulness]].


(1)分词结构倒装。caused by修饰interference。

(2)介词结构倒装。during wakefulness修饰mental activity。




Thehydrologic cycle is the complete cycle of phenomena through which water passes,1[beginning as atmospheric water vapor], 2[passing intoliquid and solid form as precipitation], and finally again 3[returningto the form of atmospheric water vapor].


理解本句话的难点在于through which引导的定语从句中,主语是water,谓语是passes,这便是整个定语从句的主干,至于句子里标识的三个分词结构倒装则都是用来修饰water的后置定语。这个定语从句因为water的修成成分过长,为了保持句子结构的平衡,将谓语提前,修饰成分统统挪到了最后。搞清楚这个,各位同学是不是就能很清楚地翻译本句了呢?


Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industrygreatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealthdetached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almostequally detached from the responsible management of business.

[句子主干]Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industrygreatly increased …shareholders as a class, (which was) an element…

[语法难点]本句是典型的非限定性定语从句,难点在其主语和宾语都有较长的短语和of结构限定,并且分句是由两个and相连的3个部分组成的。分句an element…landowners 又带有两个定语从句,一个是(which was)representing…,另一个是(which was)detached…。


[句子翻译] 对资本和企业的这种大规模的非个人操纵大大增加了股东作为一个阶级的数量和重要性。这个阶层作为国计民生的一部分,代表了非个人责任的财富与土地及土地所有者应尽义务的分离,而且也几乎与责任管理相分离。




The author"s main purpose is...

The main idea of the passage is...

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

Which of the following questions does the passage answer?


The author"s tone is best described as...

The author views his subject with...

The author"s presentation is best characterized as...

The passage is most likely from...

The author most likely thinks the reader is...






在GRE考试中,长篇阅读的数量较少,基本上每个VERBAL SECTION都只会有一篇,而短阅读数量则相对较多,可能在3篇左右。而在具体题目数量上,一篇长阅读一般附带4道题,而短篇阅读则附带1-2道题,阅读部分题目数量占据GRE语文部分题数的一半左右。

1. GRE短阅读解题思路分析


2. GRE长阅读解题步骤讲解


1. 读了第一段,就应该知道作者说了什么。 是提出一种现象并解释;还是提出一个观点并举例说明;还是提出流行观点然后质疑,并提出新观点。如果是反驳,反驳的是理论还是支持此理论的事例或实验?作者对所提出的这些观点抱什么态度等等。

2. 在看完第二句和第三句后,考生就应该知道此段的结构,比如是举例说明作者观点,还是分别驳斥作者反对的理论或是观点。继续读的过程中,大家要很快地读细节,能做到读完知道细节是什么,是一个实验,还是一个人的观点以及此人是谁等等。

3. 最后一段一般都包括作者的态度变化或是理论的提出。要读懂内容,就需要找关键词。在阅读时,大家要注意对关键词的挑选:表示观点态度的副词和形容词、理论观点中的关键名词等。无论什么题型,答案都在关键词附近。所以对关键词的印象很重要。


1. The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890"s that the agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the United States since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of the internal frontier——that is,the depletion of available new land needed for further expansion of the American farming system. (4)

史学家弗雷德里克.杰.特纳(Frederick J.Turner)于十九世纪九十年代著述道,美国约自18世纪70年代以来一直在持续不断发展的农民不满,由于国内边远地区(internal frontier)的封闭而更趋加剧——亦即是说,美国农业系统进一步扩展所必需的可资利用的新土地几近耗竭。


解释:典型的句子套句子。主句是F.J.T. wrote that,宾语从句中主干是the agrarian discontent had been precipitated by the closing of the internal frontier,在从句的主语the agrarian discontent后面又来了一个定语从句。

意群训练:The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890"s that the agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the United States since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of the internal frontier——that is,the depletion of available new land needed for further expansion of the American farming system.

2. In the early 1950"s,historians who studied preindustrial Europe (which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to 1800) began, for the first time in large numbers,to investigate more of the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite:the kings,generals,judges,nobles,bishops,and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books. (4)


译文:二十世纪五十年代早期,研究前工业化时代欧洲(此处我们可将其界定为约自13至1800年这一时期的欧洲)的史学家,首次以众多的人数 (杨鹏的书中:第一次以大量的数据),开始调查前工业化时代欧洲人口中的大多数,而非那些构成了政治与社会精英阶层的百分之二或三的人口,即国王、将军、法官、贵族、主教、以及地方上的达官显贵,而正是这部分人一直到那时为止普遍充斥于史学著作。

解释:句子中有两个插入语,一个是跟在preindustrial Europe之后的which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to 1800,这个插入语的直接作用是解释前面的preindustrial Europe的年代,而起到的客观作用则是把主句中的主语和谓语分割得很远;第二个插入语是在began,for the first time in large numbers, to investingate中间,把一个好好的began to斩为两段。

这句话另外一个难以理解的地方是more of the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent,表示的是在工业化以前的欧洲人口中超过了那2%到3%的人,亦即占97%到98%的人民群众。

意群训练:In the early 1950"s,historians who studied preindustrial Europe (which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to 1800) began,for the first time in large numbers,to investigate more of the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite:the kings,generals,judges,nobles,bishops,and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books.


1. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the “details” versus “constraints” distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior? (5)



解释:本句子在所有GRE或GMAT阅读题的题干中是最难读懂的题干之一。本句不但结构复杂,而且用词抽象,使得读者如果想根据语义来搞清楚谁修饰谁,也变得极为困难。分析如下:本句的主干是Which of the following provides an analogy for the details versus constraints distinction? Versus是一个介词,等于against,即体育比赛中的VS。其他的所有成分均是一些修饰成分。其中一个对答题最重要的限制条件是from human morphology, 说明这种类比的比较双方所比的必须是人类形态上的特征。

意群训练:Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the “details” versus “constraints” distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?

2. A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested,but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae. (3+)



解释:本句主语很长,而且谓语suggested与that引导的宾语从句间被插入语but did not prove隔开,造成阅读障碍。当suggest与but did not prove连在一起使用的时候,其意思不是建议,而是指一种基于主观臆测的推理,中文翻译成“暗示”。其英文释义为:to call to mind by though or association the explosion suggested sabotage。GRE、GMAT及LSAT文章中,常用suggest,but do not prove来描述一种没有真凭实据、可能有问题的理论,然后在后面的叙述中把它否定掉。

意群训练:A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested,but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.


