

雅思 时间:2023-11-29







比如官方真题Official21 Task 1: Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country. Describe the event and explain why it was important.很多学生看见 “news event”就大脑一片空白,不知从何说起,或者脑海里只有中文意思,对于新闻类的话题难以在短时间内直接用英文表述出来。以中国首架自制民用飞机C919举例: China’s first home-made large passenger jet was scheduled to take off in Shanghai, the narrow-body passenger plane made by state-run Comac as a triumph of indigenous innovation. 也可以说“一带一路”政策,One Belt and One Road initiative.


这种方法通常当作第二个supporting details,相当于 “for example”,可以并列两个同类或异类的事物,描述其种类繁多。以 “Do you prefer to eat at home or eat out”为例:As for me, I prefer to eat out in various of restaurants, cuz it has wide section of food, from authentic Chinese cuisine to western-style food, from savory dishes to bland snacks, hence loads of mouth-watering food can meet my appetite and leave lasting impression on me. 这里 “authentic Chinese cuisine”指的是地道的中国菜,一般学生只会想到traditional Chinese food, 而好吃第一个想到的词就是 “delicious”, 需要注意替换词的积累。而对于某事使我留下深刻印象会表述为 “sth. leaves deep impression on me” 而对于native speaker来讲,”lasting”才是更加地道的表达方法。

再以2017.08.27 Task 1一个经典三选一题型为例。

Your university has acquired a piece of land next to the campus. There have been three options for the use of the land.

A. The athletic facilities stadiums

B. A park with nature trails

C. Centers for students and hotel for campus guests

此题只需作出选择,并给出合理解释即可。如选择 “The athletic facilities stadiums”可以从学生通过做各种运动来强身健体,排解压力或者参加团队运动锻炼团队合作精神等。”I tend to choose the athletic facilities stadiums, cuz students can work out there, from doing push-ups to sit-ups, from plank to Russian twist, which can befit them to strengthen their muscles and build up cardiovascular system, or get rid of stress after high-intensive study. 这里用 “from…to…” 来并列几个健身运动的动作,这种表述也适用于gym, court, square等描述地点的题型,要学会同类话题合并及举一反三。

同理,再看官方真题Official27 Task 1: Talk about a popular actor, musician or artist whose work you do not admire.

这道题属于人物类话题中的名人类,可以从人物的外貌、性格、作品等角度入手。”Well, personally I’m not fascinated by a Korean music band, from their weird dressing style to flamboyant makeup, from aggressive personality to terrible works, from impolite behaviors to constant scandals, hence I have no motivation and passion to appreciate their albums. 这里用 “from…to…” 连接几个形容词+名词的结构来表达不喜欢的原因,比较工整并且容易在原有的结构上删减修改形成自己的答案,再应用于别的话题中。

“from…to…” 列举法是一种学生比较容易理解并应用的扩充细节的方法,能够通过快速并列几种事物来展开阐述自己的原因,把脑海里破碎的单词在短时间内形成chunks,在有效的时间内完成答题。并且适用范围广,在人物、地点、物品、事件题型中均可使用,而当作第二个supporting detail即时学生在时间不够的情况下结束答题也不会有违和感。



开头点题的句子叫做Topic Sentence, 简称TS。

基本论证最有效率的结构从来都是总分总,取决于最后的时间多少可以选择结尾是否“总”结。开头说明观点或主旨,不仅仅可以给听者回答明确的印象,还可以提醒自己回答的中心。通常我们把开头点题的句子叫做Topic Sentence, 简称TS。


接下来就可以展现回答主体了,这个时候可以简单过度在TS后说明,and I have/there are two reasons。通常情况下主体部分阐述两个理由为对考生来说最有利的理由数量。虽然不排除一个理由和能力较好的同学可以说好三个理由的效果,两个理由无论从结构上还是效果上都是最理想的。一是两个理由不像一个理由略微单薄,另外45s内我们可以把两个理由有条理的说出来并且有细节和例子支持,不像三个理由平均下来每个理由可以阐述的时间几乎不太可能被充分的论证。所以主体部分可以由两个大点支撑:first reason and second reason.



所以主体部分可以由两个大点支撑:first reason and second reason.

My first reason is…/ To start with…. / First of all …/Firstly…

Also…/Further…/Moreover…/Another reason is …

关于每一个理由的展开,大体上有两种常用结构,即说理和细节,说理和举例。通常情况下每一个理由三到四句话,大约50到70词是非常合适的长度。遇到没有话说的情况,推荐采取举例子的方式,for example I have a cousin/ for instancethere was one time when … 基于自身的情况,几乎所有话题都可以有例子可以举。


如果剩余4到5s, 可以将TS重复一遍,或最好选用其他方式转换成同义句重复一遍。Therefore/above is why TS.


TS and I have/there are two reasons.

My first reason is…/ To start with…. / First of all …/Firstly…

Also…/Further…/Moreover…/Another reason is …

Therefore/Above is why TS.


Here we give you the top 5 reasons to make it to Miami.



The beach tops the list. Miami is a tropical city, making the beach an ideal destination. Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne is a favorite spot that ranks among the top beaches in the entire United States.



It’s shop til you drop in Miami. Collins Avenue has a range of stores to satisfy all your shopping needs. Lincoln Road on South Beach has a farmers market held here on Sundays. Design District, in particular, comes alive after 5pm. In Bal Harbour, shop at the super brand stores which are located in the middle of a tropical garden.


Party all-night

It is recognized as a favorite destination of celebrities. The bars on Ocean Drive are popular, and there they serve mojitos in king-sized glasses. If you fancy somewhere more exclusive, head to the roof of the Gansevoort, French Tuesdays and the Delano.


Animal life

You’re in for zoo treats in Miami. The Wings of Asia Aviary is a haven for bird lovers. Jungle Island, on one hand, is a theme park where you meet parrots and other exotic birds, plus crocodiles and other nature creatures.


The Florida Keys

The Florida Keys allows you to see coral islands from the scenic route that all tourists arriving in Miami take – amazing! It cuts across 40 bridges from Key Largo to the legendary Key West.

Lastly, don’t forget to take in most beautiful sunset views when in Miami.


tropical city:热带城市

ideal destination:理想的目的地

ranks among the top beaches in the entire United States:在整个美国排名靠前的海滩

It’s shop til you drop :购物购到手软

has a range of stores to satisfy all your shopping needs:有很多商店来满足您的购物需求

farmers market:农贸市场

the super brand stores:超级品牌商店

tropical garden:热带花园

a favorite destination of celebrities:一个名人最喜欢的目的地

serve mojitos in king-sized glasses:用超级大杯提供莫吉托

You’re in for zoo treats:你喜欢动物园带来的款待。

is a haven for bird lovers:是鸟类爱好者的天堂

theme park:主题公园

parrots and other exotic birds:鹦鹉和其他奇特的鸟类

crocodiles and other nature creatures:鳄鱼和其他自然生物

The Florida Keys:弗罗里达岛礁

see coral islands from the scenic route:从风景优美的路线观看珊瑚群岛

It cuts across 40 bridges from Key Largo to the legendary Key West.


most beautiful sunset views:最美丽的日落



比如:I’m not a big fan of water, so I don’t wanna have a boat. 我们可以强调的是I’m not a big fan of water, so I don’t wanna have a boat. 正如我之前所说,开头第一句话我们可以融入的加分项还是很多的,因为我们的大脑有相对多的准备时间。虽然能否长时间维持住这种状态,需要靠大量的练习来提高,但如果只是让开头第一句说的富有感情应该还是很容易做到的。

雅思口语评分标准的隐含项讲解 隐藏boss必须直面





















考前一周怎么办把题库的考题按照话题划分为6份。Part1可以按照数量分(36/6)每天6个话题;Part 2可以分为人、地、事1、事2、实物、虚物。前6天每天完成1份任务,完成的质量视你拥有的时间和学习效率而定。


1) 第1个小时读完所有的任务,Part 1大概想好答案,Part 2将话题归类并想好素材,Part 3将题目全部读一遍,扫除生词。这一步的目的一是为了防止考试听不懂问题或者完全没思路,二是通过分类提高学习效率。

2) 第2个小时准备Part 2:查找或复习话题词汇&表达句型,并写出其中一个最典型话题的逐字稿。写完检查完语法表达错误,反复诵读,背下来。这一步非常重要,不可忽视!

3) 第3个小时把其他话题的最后一问写下来,熟读。如果还有剩余的时间,最好也背下来。 拥有2小时左右的口语复习时间,或者学习速度比较慢:1) 第1个小时同上:读完所有的任务,Part 1大概想好答案,Part 2将话题归类并想好素材,Part 3将题目全部读一遍,扫除生词。这一步的目的一是为了防止考试听不懂问题或者完全没思路,二是通过分类提高学习效率。2) 第2个小时查找或复习话题词汇&表达句型,并一句一句写出其中最典型的素材,并检查完语法表达错误,反复诵读。把其他话题的最后一个小问题(explain why / how…)的答案想好,说一遍。 每天只有1小时左右的口语复习时间:时间就是海绵里的水……如果你是学森,请再多挤出一个小时复习。如果是上班族实在压力太大,请把上述第一步做好。

考试前1天:做一到两整套的模拟考练习。主要是为了找感觉,练习临场发挥的能力。模拟考可以利用雅思口语考试的APP(如“雅思享说”),也可以请小伙伴帮忙问问题。Compulsory:l 把Part 1的必考题Hometown、accommodation、study/work这三个话题刷掉。其他问题有时间就看一遍,没有时间就只能靠发挥了……l 把Part 2所有话题看一遍!想一下相关的思路和素材,复习一下学过的话题词汇。Optional:l 复习所有学过的话题词汇、短语、句型。l 做一套真题,模考一下,找感觉。


1 关于何时进房间:在考官没有向你示意或者打开门之前,不要敲门。每个考室外面都有一张椅子,到达自己的考室后,如果没有看到考官开门,就只要安心的坐着等哟。有时候遇到考官茶歇,坐在椅子上看到考官走过来,孩子们就迫不及待想进去啦!这个时候,考官会向你打招呼:Good morning/afternoon!考生站起来,微笑、回一句“Good morning”就好啦!然后考官进门前对你说Wait a moment please,我们当然说OK。

2 关于纪律考官:Have you got any electronic devices with you?通常考官在门口会问考生这个问题,并拿录音设备对着考生,等待回答。有的考生没有听懂问题,现场石化,或者懵懂的说“Yes”……正确答案,当然是:No!

3 关于姓名:考官:Good morning. My name’s .X. Can you tell me your full name, please? / What’s your name?有的小盆友直接回答:Good morning. My name is Robert. (×)考官问的是Full name(全名),所以,说出你证件上的中文名就好。下一步考官通常会问“How can I address you / call you?”,所以如果想表现得好一点可以主动说:Good morning, sir/ma’am. My full name is Luo Bo and my English name is Robert. You can call me by my English name.

4 关于核实身份:考官:Could you show me your ID card?简单回答:Sure / OK / Certainly. Here you are.

5 考试结束:考官最后会说:Thank you very much. That is the end of the speaking test.考生可以说:Thank you for your time.


雅思口语串题方法实例讲解:weather&outdoor activity


例如如果问大家outdoor activity,开头可以说The outdoor activity I’m really into is going picnic. I’m not an indoor person, I just feel bored at home, especially when the weather is nice, I just have to go out, otherwise, I would feel I’m not making the most of the day.

如果问到favorite weather,开头就可以变成I feel really comfortable in sunny summer days when the temperature is not that hot.


I hate scorching heat in muggy days, ‘cause that makes me sweat a lot. I’m not a big fan of severe cold either, ‘cause in freezing winter days, I’ll have to put on so many layers of clothes, which makes me look like a Michelin man.

During those pleasant warm sunny days at the beginning of summer, I only have to wear a T-short and short jeans, and go out in a pair of flip-flops.

然后自然转到outdoor activity:

The best part is, I get to do various outdoor activities, among which going picnic is my favorite. My friends and I love to get a whole bag of snacks and drinks, drive to the foot of the mountain or the nearby park, find a lovely spot, lie on a piece of blanket and just enjoy the gentle breeze and warm sunshine.

同时还可以再丰富一下,例如可以顺便go on a picnic, 一提到吃,这个基础话题大家都有话说嘛对吧!然后再充实一下“装备”,例如带上hammock, and hang it between two trees, and just kick back/chill out and enjoy the nice weather. 或者把活动时间再延长一下,一直玩儿到晚上看星星,因为没有light pollution, so we could see the stars clearly, and if we are lucky, we could even see the shooting stars.


But sadly, that kind of weather only lasts less than a month in my hometown. Most of the year, I just have to stand the annoying cold, windy weather.

My mom told me that in Kunming, which is a city in the south of China, the weather is nice and enjoyable all year round. I’ve never been there, but if that’s the case, I might move there in the future.


scorching = very hot = baking 例如:

They walked all day in the scorching heat.

muggy = warm and damp in an unpleasant way 例如:

a muggy August day

like a Michelin man = having a wide round body because of being very fat or wearing a lot of thick heavy clothes 例如:

I had so many layers of clothes on I looked like the Michelin man.

She swelled up like a Michelin man.

a pair of flip-flops = a type of sandal (= open shoe) that has a piece of leather, etc. that goes between the big toe and the toe next to it

kick back = to relax 例如:

Kick back and enjoy the summer.

chill out = to spend time relaxing; to relax and stop feeling angry or nervous about something. 例如:

They sometimes meet up to chill out and watch a movie.

Sit down and chill out!

shooting star = falling star = a small meteor (= a piece of rock in outer space) that travels very fast and burns with a bright light as it enters the earth"s atmosphere


1. What kind of jewelries do you like?

Well, I think I like all kinds jewelries, like the necklace, the ring, the earring and so on. Since the women are natural jewelry-lovers, I think the jewelry has already become a part of my life.

2. Have you given other people jewelries?

Yes, I have. I remembered that I sent a beautiful necklace to my best friend when it came to her birthday. The necklace was made of the white gold and crystal, and its design was very unique. My friend fell in love with it at the first sight.

3. Why do people like it?

Well, on the one hand, people like wearing jewelry according to the style of their clothes. In this case, they will look more elegant under the decoration of the jewelry. On the other hand, the jewelry also symbolizes the social status and the social background.

4. What is your attitude toward jewelry?

Well, I think the jewelry is very important since it can show a person"s taste and quality. However, I do not think that people should buy too much jewelry since it may make people look like an upstart.

5. Why so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry to maintain value?

Well, I think buying expensive jewelry is also a kind of investment. With the development of the society, the currency may be devalued due to the inflation. Since the material and the design of jewelry has their own value, people may chose to invest on the expensive jewelry in order to make money.

6. How often do you wear jewelry?

Well, I do not often wear jewelry. In most of the cases, I will only wear the jewelry in some special occasions, like my friend"s birthday party, some annual events.


necklace, the ring, the earring and so on

natural jewelry-lovers

became part of my life

when it came to one’s birthday

be made of white gold and crystal

unique design

fall in love with sth.

at the first sight

on the one hand

according to the style of clothes

in this case

look more elegant under the decoration of the jewelry

symbolize the social status and social background

show a person’s taste and quality

make people look like an upstart

a kind of investment

currency may be devalued

due to the inflation

has own value

the material and the design of jewelry

in order to

make money

choose to invest

in most of the cases

in some special occasions

annual events

雅思口语题库part2话题答案:helpful person in work or study

Describe a person who is helpful in your study or work.

You should say:

Who the person is

What kind of person

How this person help you

Why do you think this person is helpful


The person I’d like to talk about is Davy. He helped me a lot when I was studying in the university. Both of us majored in Math, and he was also my classmate.

He was tall, hmm, around 1.79metres. He did know he had some advantages. He joined the school team to play basketball as a forward. I watched several matches he was in, and all of our classmates would root for him. He always got good scores.

Though he’s awesome, in other aspects too, he"s really humble, for he never showed off his skills no matter how good he was at it. I quite appreciated that. He had a good command of computer stuff, and to me, it saved my life at some moments. Once I was staying up late for my graduation paper, but I don’t know why somehow my laptop just broke down. I mean, it suddenly turned off, and it must go wrong for I couldn’t start it. I was driven to mad. What if I lost all my files, especially my paper? I have to finish it in a day. Tomorrow is the deadline to hand it in. I felt like it was a doomsday for me. Then, it dawned on me, Davy! Davy is a computer geek. Maybe he can solve it! I couldn’t wait one more second and rang him. Thanks god, he answered the phone. After listening to my “heartbroken” story, he said he would like to help. Then we decided to meet in the library at 6.00, the opening time of the library. With his efforts for almost two hours, my laptop could work again. The luckiest thing was all my files were good. Saying thank you, I grabbed my laptop and rushed back to my dorm to go on. Everything went well, and I handed in my paper in time.

We would always support each other whenever help is needed. I think we are really good friends.


good samaritan spirit

lend a (helping)hand

offer to help

don"t seem to help

help sb out

雅思口语题库part2话题答案:waiting for something等待某事

Describe a time that you were waiting for something.

You should say:

When and where it happened

who you were with

what you were waiting for

and explain how you felt about it


About five years ago I visited several friends in Guiyang for a few days. At the end of my stay I got a taxi to the airport, checked in and made my way through airport security. I was booked onto a flight that was scheduled to depart from Guiyang at around three o’clock and arrive back in Xi’an after about two and a half hours. Shortly after I arrived in the departures lounge, I heard an announcement that my flight would be delayed due to bad weather and that I should stay in the departures lounger and await further information. Fortunately, I had my laptop with me so I was able to do some outstanding computer work while I waited. Throughout the afternoon I continued to hear announcements about the delay.

Finally, at about ten o’clock airport staff informed me that the plane wouldn’t be arriving until the next day and that I should book myself into the nearby airport hotel for the night. Once in my hotel room I had a shower and began getting ready for bed. I had only been in bed for a few minutes when there was a knock on the door. To my surprise a member of staff explained that I needed to return to the airport as my plane had finally arrived and would soon be departing for Xi’an. Finally, after a delay of more than ten hours, I boarded the flight in the early hours of the morning and began my journey back home.

When I think about this experience, I still feel a bit angry because planes kept delaying and I could do nothing about it. Also, I had that a mixed feeling that in front of Mother Nature, our human kind is so small and frail. We could build big planes but we can’t fight against the bad weather.




I’m quite into music for the reason that it never fails to cheer me up.

I love my name coz it makes people easily remember me.

I enjoy playing computer games as it’s really fun and it’s a great way to loosen up.


I can’t stand public transportation coz every time I take a bus or subway, especially during rush hours, it’s packed like sardines and I feel like I’m going to die.

Swimming would be the last thing (that) I want to do. And as I see it, it’s mainly because once I almost drowned in a river when I was little. It was so horrible.


I’m a big fan of classical music thanks to my mom, who used to put on some music by Beethoven or Schubert at home when I was a kid.

I find it great to ride bicycles thanks to my bestie, Lily, who is a super fan of cycling. Actually, she always invites me to some local cycling events and gradually it’s become a necessary part of my life as well.


最后,补充一些细节来支撑刚刚给出的原因。不知道如何给具体例子的烤鸭们,建议参考“个人习惯句型”I mean/Actually/In fact/For example, what, who, when, where, why。

下面我们通过雅思口语Part 1和 Part 3两道例题,再来完整回顾一下雅思口语拓展之“直接回答-给原因-给细节”这个法则。

Part 1例题:What’s your favorite part of your country?

I definitely think the food culture is the best part of my country. (直接作答)I mean, China never fails to satisfy all peoples’ needs for tasty food. (给原因)Although sometimes the way we make food is not that healthy, I still think it’s an ideal place for foodies for the reason that it has a lot to offer, from spicy food to light-cooked food to various kinds of dessert.(给细节)

有时“给原因”和“给细节”的顺序可以灵活调整,参考下面Part 3部分的一道例题:Are science museums popular in China?

Definitely! Science museums are popular among not only science buff but also people who are not that crazy about science (直接作答). Actually, no matter it’s during the weekdays or on the weekends, science museums are always busy and full of visitors (给细节). As I see it, it’s mainly because the exhibitions/displays in those science museums enable people to enhance their knowledge about S&T in an interactive and vivid way (给原因).


Describe a place you visited that has been polluted.

You should say

Where it is

When you visited this place

What kinds of pollution you saw there

And explain how this place was affected

I once visited a lake. I can’t remember the name, but it was on a company excursion many years ago when I worked in a small tech company. It was a couple of hours outside Beijing past the mountain range to the north of the city. The lake was meant to be an amazing place with lilies and incredible natural scenery, but I was really disappointed when I arrived because it was quite murky and oily in places. You could tell that the place had been used to dump waste and not taken care of very well. I noticed there were a couple of factories nearby as we approached in the minibus, so I am guessing that the pollution from the factories somehow got into the lake and the surrounding area. It was pretty sad, to be honest, because the area is really rather beautiful, so it was a shame to see it being spoilt in this way. I am sure that there were not many fish in the lake, or any other kind of life… at least not healthy lake animals and plants! I really hope that the local authorities have enough motivation, time and resources to clean this area up and turn it into a genuinely nice place for visitors. There are a lot of polluted places in the world because human beings consume resources and inevitably dump waste in seas, rivers and lakes, as well as into the soil. This is something that needs to be addressed, as in the end we all need nature, not just to enjoy on weekend excursions, but to grow vegetables, obtain clean water, and maintain a balanced ecosystem. We learned about this in biology in school, and it’s often on the news these days, so I think people are becoming more and more aware of the importance of taking care of the natural environment.


1. What kinds of pollution are serious in your country?

I think the most serious kind of pollution is air pollution and water pollution maybe. Perhaps air pollution is the worst, from all the emissions from factories and cars. You see there are a lot of factories, and we produce a lot of goods for the world, so that means there are quite high levels of emissions coming from production. There are measures in place to reduce this, but there need to be more efforts made to enforce these measures.

2. What can individuals do to protect our environment?

Individuals can do a number of things to contribute towards looking after the environment. Firstly, trying to use less plastic is an important thing to do because a lot of plastic gets into the rivers and oceans and affects the food chain as it is consumed by marine animals. Secondly, we can try to take more public transport and reduce private car use to reduce the air pollution in cities. Thirdly we can try to be more sparing with the amount of water we use at home. These are examples of individual contributions to the wider environmental cause.

3. Do you think individuals should be to some extent responsible for pollution?

Yes, I do. And I also believe that in schools and universities people should be educated about the basic ways in which we, as individuals, can contribute to taking care of the environment. All of the small things that we do can help, especially as we have a large population – we cannot simply rely on the government to do everything for us.

4. Why is there a need to involve government in environmental protection?

The government have the power to put stricter controls on traffic, factories and other major sources of pollution. Furthermore they can put money into research and development of more alternative and sustainable forms of energy – this is something that needs government funding and support for scientific research and technological developments. This is the government’s responsibility.


Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about.

You should say:

What it is

Where it is

How you know it

And explain why you want to know more about it

I’d like to learn more about Mexico. I’ve been watching a TV series set in Mexico recently, and I’m really drawn to the way they speak, their sense of humour and the amazing countryside of the country. It’s a country in south America. So, I know about it mainly from that TV series. I’ve also been to a few Mexican restaurants in Beijing, which I really enjoy. So, I’m quite drawn to the food as well as the impression I have of the place from the TV series. I’ve also heard that it’s quite a dangerous country though, unfortunately, with a lot of drug problems, violent gangs and crime. So I guess certain areas of the country are not very safe for travelling, but I am sure there are areas that are fairly safe, because I’ve seen quite a few holidays and travel programmes about the place. I’d like to go to Mexico one day, and they speak Spanish, which is a language I am really drawn to, so I would quite like to go there and perhaps study Spanish for a year or two and maybe even find a job with some connection between Mexico and China – I believe there might be increasingly close trade ties between the countries and this could mean jobs might require Spanish-speaking Chinese business people to help establish and maintain such relationships. So, there are a number of reasons, a mixture of reasons. I think that Mexico is an interesting country I would like to learn more about.


1. What do you think is the best way to learn about a foreign culture?

I think today the internet is the best way to find out and learn about anything really. Travel programmes, blogs, websites, there’s a lot of ways. Also through exploring their cuisine – I think this is a great way to learn about another culture, too – the food. Getting into the art and music of another country is a good start – for example, if you’re interested in India, you could just go online and search for “Indian Religious Art”, or “Indian Music” or “Famous Indian Stars” and loads of articles will come up. So, today it’s easy to learn about other cultures, it’s a case of having the right attitude and approach.

2. What do you think is the biggest problem when someone works in a foreign country?

The biggest problems are usually communication issues and cultural differences. Communication can be a real problem and working and living in another language culture can be really stressful, especially if you’re not good at languages and don’t pick up languages easily.

3. Someone say that reading is the best way to know about a culture. Do you agree with that?

I think reading is definitely a good way. Much about a culture is revealed through novels and stories, as well as perhaps even travel and guide books and online resources. But also there are travel shows and cooking shows which can be a good way to learn bits about another culture.


